Visual Studio For Mac Properties Not Working

You may be also interested in JetBrains Rider — a standalone cross-platform .NET IDE, which among other things includes almost all ReSharper features. It runs in a 64-bit process making memory issues less likely.

There are two major sources of performance problems with ReSharper installed in Visual Studio:

  • Your system does not meet the requirements. In this case, we suggest to upgrade your system as the first step of dealing with the problems.
    We constantly make sure that ReSharper works fine on modern hardware and with medium- and large-size solutions without any tweaking. We believe that Visual Studio developers are working towards the same things.
    By trying to speed up ReSharper on outdated hardware by disabling some features, you deprive yourself of great tools that can speed up your development performance.

  • Visual Studio and ReSharper, which share the same 32-bit process push your system to its limits. Often, this is reported to happen on large-size solutions and when ReSharper is installed to Visual Studio v. 2015 or later.
    In this case, provided your system meets the requirements, the check-list below will help you fix performance problems in most cases.

Common issues and resolutions for Visual Studio for Mac users. Which shows the value of the Message property of the exception object. This contrasts with Visual Studio for Mac Preferences (which sets user-specific options) and Solution options (which set options for the entire solution). Project options are stored in the project (.csproj) file, so that other developers can build and run the project correctly.

A significant time (up to several minutes) taken for opening a large solution for the first time is not a sign of a problem. ReSharper builds and caches a model of the solution, which is then used in almost all of its features — not only for code analysis, but also for navigation and search, code completion, unit testing and more.
Subsequent openings of this solution will not result in any significant delays because the indexing results are already cached on your hard drive.
Note that because ReSharper processes assembly annotations at the very first start, any subsequent start will be faster even if you clean up ReSharper caches.

Try this first

The most common causes of performance problems could be eliminated with the following actions:

  • Go to ReSharper Options Environment Performance Guide to check and quickly fix ReSharper and Visual Studio preferences that affect performance.

  • If you do not use solution-wide analysis, disable it or consider disabling warnings in solution-wide analysis. Even if it is disabled, you can find all code issues in your solution at any time by running code inspection for the whole solution. To configure solution-wide analysis, go to ReSharper Options Code Inspection Settings.

  • In Visual Studio options, go to Source Control Plug-in Selection: select None for the source control plugin. This will turn off Git or another VCS provider and improve overall performance.

Hardware check-list

  • Make sure there is no hardware interrupts and DPCs (usually caused by bad drivers and/or virtualization).

  • Make sure your hard drive is not fragmented.

  • Make sure the pagefile is at least 1GB.

  • Make sure you have at least 15% free disk space (MFT fragmentation/running out of space risk).

  • Make sure you have at least 4GB RAM free.

  • Storing the solution and ReSharper caches on an SSD would help, while a RAMDisk would not make a big difference.

Recommended system software adjustments

  • Use a Windows version currently supported by Microsoft

  • Keep Windows updated

  • Use 64-bit operating system

  • Add the devenv.exe, msbuild.exe, your project/solution folders, and ReSharper cache folder (by default %LOCALAPPDATA%JetBrainsTransient and configurable) to the ignore list of Windows Defender (and other antivirus software).

  • Stop unnecessary services and processes

  • Exclude your project/solution folders and ReSharper cache folder from Windows indexing

Visual Studio

Before starting to tweak Visual Studio settings, check that the most recent Visual Studio update / service pack / hot fixes are installed.

Configuring Visual Studio preferences

Open Visual Studio options (Tools Options) and configure the preferences as follows:

  • Environment General: disable Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance, disable Enable rich client visual experience, enable Use hardware graphics acceleration if available. These adjustments will reduce UI lags and improve overall performance.

  • Source Control Plug-in Selection: select None for the source control plugin. This will turn off Git or another VCS provider and improve overall performance.

  • Environment Startup: choose to show empty environment at startup and disable downloading content. Turning off the start page and the news channel might save some time on startup.

  • Environment AutoRecover: disable Save AutoRecover information. Although constantly copying the current state of opened documents may be useful in case of a crash, in large solutions it may come at a price of UI freezes, (for example, see the comments here). Therefore, we recommend disabling this feature and developing a habit of saving your files after any important changes.

  • Text Editor General: disable Track changes. When 'Track changes' is enabled, Visual Studio adds gutter highlightings for edited lines. If there are too many edits in the current file, the editor can become slow because these highlightings often need to be calculated.
    Although this is a helpful feature, we recommend disabling it, especially when working with large files.

  • Text Editor All Languages Scroll Bars: disable Show annotations over vertical scroll bar. ReSharper extensively uses the right gutter or the vertical scroll bar to show design-time inspection notification, structural search and replace results, To-do items, and usages of symbol in the file . Visual Studio also displays a lot of its notifications on the scroll bar, and sometimes Visual Studio and ReSharper report the same error, which got displayed twice, and often the scrollbar becomes cluttered with marks.
    If you prefer ReSharper marks, you can completely or partially disable Visual Studio annotations and get some performance benefits by not rendering them.
    Alternatively, you can disable ReSharper's marks on the scroll bar — go to ReSharper Options Editor Editor Appearance and choose Do not show marker bar.

  • Text Editor All Languages CodeLens: disable CodeLens. CodeLens is among several performance considerations for large solutions because 'the IDE basically performs a Find All References operation for each method as it scrolls onto the screen'. Therefore, we recommend disabling it if you notice any lags.
    Some features of CodeLens are provided by ReSharper — for example, you can always quickly get all references or usages of the symbol Alt+F7.

  • Debugging Just-In-Time: disable Just-In-Time Debugging for Script. This will speed up build and debug.

  • Web Forms Designer General: disable Web Forms Designer. This will reduce UI and editor lags.

  • XAML Designer General: disable XAML Designer. Visual XAML designer is known to be a very resource-intensive feature. So if you can work with XAML code without the visual representation of XAML forms, we strongly recommend disabling the XAML designer.

  • Text Editor [Language] Formatting: disable all auto-formatting preferences. If you use ReSharper's formatting assistance, this will prevent your code from being reformatted twice and reduce editor lags.

  • Text Editor C#: if you use File Structure window, then you probably don't use the navigation bar on top of the editor and you can safely disable it on this options page.

  • Text Editor C/C++ Advanced: if you are working with C/C++ code, set the IntelliSense Disable Semantic Colorization preference to True. This will improve the typing experience inside large files.

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  • Environment Synchronized settings: disable synchronization of settings. This will improve overall performance.

Locations of the preferences described here correspond to Visual Studio 2015.

Configuring Roslyn

When your Visual Studio solution grows large, two code analysis engines (ReSharper and Roslyn) working simultaneously can reach the memory limit of the 32-bit process that they share.
Although there is no official way to disable Roslyn, you can check out this article to find some alternative solutions.
You can also take a look at Roslyn performance considerations for large solutions.

Other Visual Studio adjustments

  • Uninstall unused packages and extensions from Visual Studio.
    It is worth mentioning here that there are Visual Studio extensions, including ones enabled by default, that provide functionality similar to ReSharper. For example, the Visual Studio unit testing module can be safely disabled if you use ReSharper's unit-testing features.

  • If you are not working on some projects, you can unload them from Visual Studio and reload them back when needed. Right-click the project or a solution folder in the Solution Explorer and choose Unload Project or Unload Projects in Solution Folder — this will improve overall performance.


Before starting to tune up ReSharper, check that you are running the latest version, and if not, consider updating.

Configuring ReSharper preferences

ReSharper provides plenty of different features, and if necessary, you can disable most of them in ReSharper options. So the general rule here is: if you have any performance problems, disable features you do not use.

Open ReSharper options (ReSharper OptionsAlt+R,O) and configure the preferences as follows:

  • Environment Editor Visual Studio Features: on this options page, you can configure integration with similar features of Visual Studio 2015 and later — make sure that Do not show Visual Studio Light Bulb is selected and Merge Visual Studio Light Bulb actions into ReSharper bulb is cleared. ReSharper can show Visual Studio Light Bulb actions integrated in its own action list. This is costly performance-wise because ReSharper has to request available actions from Roslyn, which could lead to increased CPU and memory usage.
    Although all requests to Roslyn are made in the background thread, you might want to opt out Visual Studio actions integration if there are any noticeable performance problems.

  • Code Inspection Settings: on this options page, you can disable various aspects of code inspection. Here is what you can disable, starting from minimum disabled features:

    1. If you do not use solution-wide analysis, disable it or consider disabling warnings in solution-wide analysis. Even if it is disabled, you can find all code issues in your solution at any time by running code inspection for the whole solution.

    2. If there is any source code in your solution that you do not need to analyze, add the corresponding files and folders to the ignore list.

      You can add the current file to the ignore list by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Alt+8. Pressing the shortcut again will re-enable the inspection for this file. If you want to bind a different shortcut for this operation, look for the ReSharper_EnableDaemon command in Visual Studio option.

    3. If you have some projects that contain third-party code or frozen code, which is not going to be changed, you can exclude these projects from indexing.

    4. The ultimate step is to clear the Enable code analysis checkbox. This will disable the design-time inspection, but you will still be able to run code inspection in the desired scope when you need it.

  • Environment Products & Features: here you can disable ReSharper features that you do not use. For example, clearing the Unit Testing checkbox will disable all ReSharper unit testing features and save some memory.

  • Environment General: in the Store solution caches in: selector, choose 'System TEMP' or any custom folder. If your solution is not under a VCS, you can also choose 'Solution folder'. It is recommended to choose a custom folder. The problem with the 'User local settings folder' %LOCALAPPDATA% is that Visual Studio's directory watcher could be triggered when ReSharper writes to this folder, which happens very often.

  • Environment IntelliSense: you may need to configure this if you experience slowdowns on typing. Similarly to code inspection, you can disable specific parts of ReSharper IntelliSense or turn it off completely and fall back to native Visual Studio's IntelliSense. Here is what you can disable, starting from minimum disabled features:

    1. Environment IntelliSense Completion Appearance: clear Show member signatures, Show symbol types, Show summary. This will simplify building completion lists.

    2. Environment IntelliSense General: turn off ReSharper's IntelliSense for specific languages (Custom IntelliSense) or turn it off altogether (Visual Studio).

  • Environment Editor Editor Behavior: disable Auto-format on semicolon and Auto-format on closing brace to avoid code reformatting while typing; also disable Correct common language-specific typos, which will turn off some typing assist features. Clearing these check boxes will speed up typing.
    If you work with C++, you can also disable the Show import items in basic completion preference — this will simplify completion lists and consequently, will reduce possible delays on typing.

    C++ support is available either with ReSharper C++ — a dedicated product that you can install separately or side by side with ReSharper, or with ReSharper Ultimate.

  • Environment Editor Editor Appearance: disable Highlight current line, Highlight matching delimiters. This might reduce the chance of UI and editor lags.

  • Environment Extension Manager: disable ReSharper extensions that you do not use.

  • Tools Build: enable ReSharper build. ReSharper's incremental build can considerably reduce build time, especially for large solutions.

  • Code Editing Context Actions: here you can disable the context actions that are not helpful to you.

  • Code Editing JavaScript Inspections: if you work with JavaScript and have some performance problems, do not enable the Analyse properties' context when inspecting code option.

  • Code Editing Third-Party Code: here you can add C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML and JSON files, folders and wildcards to be treated either as 'skipped' or 'library'. ReSharper will completely ignore 'skipped' files, and treat 'library' files as read-only — indexed for navigation, but no inspections, quick-fixes and refactorings.

  • Code Editing Language Injections: on this page, you can disable automatic language injections that are of no interest to you.

Do not overuse complex UI controls

  • Close unused unit tests sessions.

  • Close unused type, project, and assembly dependency diagrams.

  • If you enable solution-wide analysis, you can close the Errors/Warnings in Solution window as you will see the number of errors/warnings in the status bar anyway.

Other adjustments

  • To speed up expanding code templates, you can turn off the Reformat and Shorten qualified references options for templates that you use:

  • Close Process Explorer window when you do not use it.

If nothing helps

If you've tried out everything described above and the performance is still down, you can temporarily disable ReSharper and check whether it was the cause of the slowdown. To disable/enable ReSharper, go to Tools Options ReSharper Ultimate and click Suspend Now/Resume Now.

If suspending ReSharper helps improve the performance but you still want to use it occasionally for code analysis, code cleanup or reformatting code, you might want to have a shortcut that quickly switches ReSharper on and off. Here is how to do it: go to Tools Options Environment Keyboard and find the ReSharper_ToggleSuspended command, then press a shortcut of your choice and click Assign.

Known Performance Problems

Stale caches

If you have recently updated ReSharper and observe performance degradation with solutions that were opened with previous versions, you can attempt to speed thing up by clearing the ReSharper caches and deleting the solution .suo file.

To clear the caches, go to ReSharper Options Environment General and click Clear Caches.

Built JavaScript files

If you have some built JavaScript files (for example jquery.js) in your solution, exclude these files from analysis by listing them under the Library code section on the Code Editing Third-Party Code page of ReSharper options (Alt+R,O).

Known Compatibility Problems

Other Visual Studio extensions

Major compatibility issues have been observed with the following products:

  • DevExpress CodeRush/Refactor Pro (incompatible)

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  • Telerik JustCode (incompatible)

  • Whole Tomato Visual Assist

  • Productivity Power Tools

Performance degradation has been observed with the following products:

  • Some versions of the StyleCop ReSharper plugin

  • PowerCommands for Visual Studio

There are also reports on Web Essentials contributing to low performance while editing .cshtml files. If you're affected by this problem, consider going to Tools Options Web Essentials and setting Auto-format HTML on Enter to False.

Parallels Desktop for Mac

If you're running Visual Studio in a Windows virtual machine on your Mac using Parallels Desktop, ReSharper IntelliSense lists might be very slow to render.

If this occurs in your setup, consider switching from Coherence mode to Full Screen mode. For guidelines on switching between the two modes, see this Parallels Knowledge Base entry.


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Get the Preview


Get the Preview of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac by updating to the Preview channel.

This release is not 'go-live' and not intended for use on production computers or for creating production code.

To learn more about Visual Studio for Mac, see Mac System Requirementsand Mac Platform Targeting and Compatibility.

To learn more about other related downloads, see the Downloads page.

What's New in 8.5 Preview

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview Releases

  • March 3, 2020 – Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 5
  • February 26, 2020 – Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 4
  • February 18, 2020 – Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 3
  • February 6, 2020 – Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 2.1
  • January 29, 2020 – Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 2
  • January 14, 2020 – Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 1

Release Highlights

  • This release fixes issues with the debugger, test tools, and project system.

Known Issues

Refer to the Known Issues section.


We would love to hear from you! You can report a problem through the Report a Problem option in Visual Studio for Mac IDE.You can track your feedback, including suggestions, in the Developer Community portal.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 5 (

released March 3, 2020


  • We fixed an issue where breakpoint properties were not editable when debugging.

Web Tools

  • We fixed an issue where templates are missing after updating Azure Functions templates and restarting Visual Studio for Mac.

Version Control

  • We fixed a regression causing the Version Control > Update Solution menu item to be perpetually disabled.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 4 (

released February 26, 2020


  • We fixed an issue where saving edits from the Text visualizer during debugging does not save changes.
  • We fixed an issue where the Locals pad is not updating after editing variable value in the visualizer.
  • We fixed an issue that could cause spurious scrolling when stepping through code.

Project System

  • Report a problem dialog hidden when attaching a new file.
  • Cmd + . file search now has to be pressed twice.
  • Navigate to shortcut won't focus search text box.
  • We fixed an issue where the Solution Explorer is showing duplicate files.


  • We fixed an issue where copy and paste did not work between certain types of files 123.
  • We fixed an issue with color contrast during field renaming with the new theme.
  • We improved VoiceOver accessibility for the Quick Fixes and Refactorings menu.
  • We fixed a crash viewing certain file types on macOS 10.13.

Test Tools

We fixed an issue that would cause incorrect sorting of test classes in the Tests Pad.

Web Tools

  • We fixed an issue where launchSettings.json are changed on save.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 3 (

released February 18, 2020


  • We fixed an issue where the Attach to Process dialog shows no processes.
  • We fixed an issue where the Debugger stops on lines without a breakpoint set (in multiple startup projects).
  • We fixed an issue where watched expressions are removed after trying to rename them in the Watch Pad.

Project system

  • We fixed an issue where duplicate files are shown in the Solution window.


  • We updated Light & Dark themes to match Visual Studio.
  • We fixed an issue where there is no syntax highlighting and autocompletion in T4 templates.

Version Control

  • We fixed an issue where libhostfxr.dylib is not signed.
  • We fixed an issue where the status of modified files was not updated after saving or reverting changes.
  • We fixed an issue with the overall performance when working with solutions inside a git repository.
  • We fixed an issue with macOS continously prompting to install Xcode command line tools.


  • We fixed an issue where .NET Core web application MVC template creates multiple launchSettings.json and appsettings.json files.
  • We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac 2019 has no controller scaffolding with views.


  • We fixed an issue where right clicking a tab causes Visual Studio for Mac to crash

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 2.1 (

released February 6, 2020


  • We fixed an issue where the DataTip (variable inspect) font size looks small.
  • We fixed an issue where the pin variable icon during debugging is initially missing.
  • We fixed an issue where the UI buttons for stepping are slow to respond and make stepping feel very slow.
  • We fixed an issue where values might not be able to be copied from the locals and watch pads.
  • We fixed an issue where the .NET Core debugger would not show System.Drawing.Color values.

Project system

  • We fixed an issue where an occasional dialogue about mono-sgen32 not optimised for my Mac appears.
  • We fixed an issue where creating a project with a name that already exists in one folder disables the dialog.
  • We fixed an issue where “mono-sgen32” is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated.

Version Control

  • We fixed an issue where the version control file drop down is (partially) broken.

Web Tools

  • We fixed an issue where custom parameters do not persist.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 2 (

released January 29, 2020


This release of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac brings a refreshed color palette, new icons, and updated warning and error status messages. Color contrast ratios for text and icons have been increased to improve clarity. Visual Studio for Mac also now fully suports macOS High Contrast Mode. Read more about the visual enhancements on the Visual Studio for Mac blog.

In addition to the visual changes, this release of Visual Studio 2019 for Mac has made a number changes to increase overall accessibility of the IDE. These include:

  • Improvements to focus order and visibility when using VoiceOver in the debugger, NuGet Package Manager and project options dialog.
  • Areas previously inaccessible by keyboard navigation, such as the pin and eye icon, are now navigable by keyboard.
  • Enhanced feedback from VoiceOver for debugger staus.
  • After creating a project using the New Project Dialog, the IDE now accurately announces “project created” status message to VoiceOver users.
  • Fixes to the NuGet Package manager that allow keyboard access to the Browse, Installed, Update and Consolidate tabs.
  • VoiceOver now announces the selected version in the 'New version' dropdown.
  • VoiceOver now announces more information when using version control, the publish to Azure feature, and in a number of additional areas.

Version Control

We replaced our old Git implementation with a wrapper around the official Git command line client, which is already used by Visual Studio on Windows, in order to improve the overall performace and reliability of Git support in the IDE. The new Git support depends on the official git client. The recommended way to install Git is to install it as part of the Xcode Command Line Tools by running xcode-select --install in the Terminal app (Xcode does not need to be installed).


  • We fixed an issue where the start window shows when launching from Unity and cant be closed.


  • We fixed an issue where Code Analysis ruleset is ignore and a bunch of conflicting warnings are presented by Visual Studio for Mac.
  • We fixed an issue where method documentation is gone.


  • Function breakpoints can now be edited.
  • We have improved stepping performance in .NET Core projects.
  • We fixed an issue where viewing variables with async methods shows nothing.
  • We fixed an issue where the debugger would not show variable inspection icons correctly.
  • We fixed an issue that prevented watched expressions from being removed with the backspace key.
  • We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac does not break on the line of an unhandled exception in .NET Core projects.


  • We fixed an issue where StyleCop rules are ignored.
  • We fixed an issue where Visual Studio for Mac automatically closes my solution claiming that a file is gone - but it is not.
  • We fixed an issue where deleting file from SDK style project adds unnecessary data into .csproj file.
  • We fixed an issue where the wrong version of a multi-target project is referenced in a .NET Framework project.
  • We fixed an issue where there is no IntelliSense for NUnit types when adding a new NUnit project to an existing solution.
  • We fixed an issue that prevented a file from being removed from the project when the file was missing.

Web and Azure

  • We added authentication support in the New Project Dialog for ASP.NET Core projects.
  • We added support for v2/v3 of Azure Functions runtime.


  • We bumped NuGet to 5.4.
  • We fixed an issue where unable to get repository signature information for source.
  • We fixed an issue where NuGets are not refreshing.

Test Tools

  • We fixed some additional nested issues related to weird nesting in 'Unit Tests' explorer/window.


  • You can now see a hierarchy of your Xamarin.Forms controls in the Document Outline pane. On Windows, it can be opened with Ctrl+Alt+T (View > Other Windows > Document Outline). On Mac, you can open it via Views > Pads > Document Outline.
  • When debugging multiple projects at the same time, you can now use XAML Hot Reload simultaneously on both targets. For example, you can use XAML Hot Reload to see how your XAML change looks on both an iOS and Android phone at the same time. Learn more about debugging multiple process in the Visual Studio 2019 documentation.
  • You can now set the default iOS Designer in Visual Studio for Mac. Any changes made in the Xcode storyboard designer will be synchronized back to Visual Studio for Mac automatically.
  • You can now apply Android resource changes at runtime using Android Apply Changes. This feature allows you to quickly see changes made to your Android resource files (XML layouts, drawables, etc) on an Android device or emulator without requiring the application to be restarted.
  • You can now generate your own custom profiles when using startup tracing in your Android application. This provides you an even more performant startup experience with a minimal increase to APK size.
  • You can now generate Xamarin.Android bindings against Kotlin libraries.
  • You can now use the Google Manifest Merger when merging AndroidManifest.xml files in your Android projects. This allows you to customize how each manifest and its contents will be merged. For more details on rules that can be applied, please see Merge multiple manifest files.
  • The option to use shared project has been removed when creating a new Xamarin.Forms app. New Xamarin.Forms apps will now use .NET Standard to ensure the best development experience.

Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5 Preview 1 (

released January 14, 2020


  • We fixed an issue where value visualizer is always blank.
  • We fixed an issue that caused inspecting nested variables in hierarchy to take longer than expected.


  • We fixed an issue that would cause some MSBuild properties to not be fully evaluated.
  • We fixed an issue where linked files could not be removed from the project.

Test Tools

  • We fixed an issue where the test heirarchy is jumbled and breaks namespace names.
  • We fixed an issue with weird nesting in the 'Unit Tests' pad.
  • We fixed an issue that can cause test discovery to fail.

Known Issues

The following is a list of all existing known issues in Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.5:

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