Added Autojump Plugin Support For Mac

Ranger & Autojump. This plugin for ranger adds complete support for autojump to ranger: Whenever a new directory is opened in ranger, autojump is notified and can change the weights accordingly.Using:j you can use autojump to jump to a directory. This is made even better by adding map cj console j%space to your rc.conf.Thus typing cj dirname will let you jump to dirname. Unfortunately, this project hasn't indicated the best way to get help. Check out the other support options below. Other Ways Of Getting Help. Here are some other places where you can look for information about this project. Project Trackers. Tickets; Project Forums. Discussion; Project Homepage This project has a homepage which can be found at #.

Updated by Sam FooWritten by Sam Foo

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What is autojump?

autojump is a command line utility similar to cd. It helps speeds up file navigation by maintaining a history of directories that have been previously navigated by the user. If there are directories with the same name, autojump maintains a weighted history to favor the most frequently accessed directory.

Install autojump

This guide will cover installation on Linux and MacOS. Support for Windows is limited.


  1. Install the autojump package:

  2. On Debian-based distros, manual activation is required. Add the following line to ~/.bashrc(for Bash) or ~/.zshrc (if you use zsh):


More information is available in the README:


For shell specific installation, use autojump-zsh for zsh and autojump-fish for fish.


Skyrim for mac steam. The recommended installation method is to use Homebrew:

Be sure to follow the instructions and add the line from installation into the corresponding configuration file. If using oh-my-zsh, add autojump as a plugin.

Install autojump via Python

  1. Ensure that git is installed, navigate to the directory where autojump should be installed, then clone the autojump repo:

  2. Run the install script:

    autojump supports Python 2.6+, with the exception of 3.2.

How to Use autojump

Both autojump and j are equivalent for most purposes. j is preferred for convenience.

  1. Before jumping to any directory, check the weights of the installation:

    Since no directories have been visited since installation, the total weight is 0.

  2. Create an example directory and child. Visit each directory then navigate back to home.

  3. Run j -s again. The new weights should be reflected in the results:

A more comprehensive description of the arguments can be found with:

Jump to a Directory

Jump to a directory:

Jump to a Child Directory

Jumping to a child with c is supported:

Jump with Multiple Arguments

Multiple arguments can be used with partial names of the full path.

Open Using File Manager

The o command opens the file manager and can also be used in conjunction with c.

Purge Deleted Directories from autojump

When a directory is deleted, its weights remain in autojump’s records. You should regularly purge these weights to prevent autojump from navigating to nonexistent directories.

  1. Navigate to the home directory and delete the foo/ directory:

  2. Purge the deleted directory from autojump:

Common Issues

  • autojump can only be used to jump to directories that have been visited after installation. If you attempt to jump to a directory not yet visited, autojump will return .

    Visit the directory before attempting to jump.

  • When using oh-my-zsh, opening a new Z shell causes the following error:

    Make sure autojump is added as a plugin in .zshrc then remove all zcomp* files.

More Information

You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials.

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This guide is published under a CC BY-ND 4.0 license.

Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your configuration.Sounds boring. Let's try again.Oh My Zsh will not make you a 10x developer.but you might feel like one.Once installed, your terminal shell will become the talk of the town or your money back! With each keystroke in your command prompt, you'll take advantage of the hundreds of powerful plugins and beautiful themes. Strangers will come up to you in cafs and ask you, that is amazing! Are you some sort of genius?Finally, you'll begin to get the sort of attention that you have always felt you deserved.or maybe you'll use the time that you're saving to start flossing more often.To learn more, visit and follow on Twitter. Getting Started PrerequisitesDisclaimer: Oh My Zsh works best on macOS and Linux.

Install autojump-zsh for zsh, autojump-fish for fish, etc. Homebrew is the recommended installation method for Mac OS X: brew install autojump MacPorts is also available: port install autojump Windows. Windows support is enabled by clink which should be installed prior to installing autojump.

Unix-like operating system (macOS or Linux).should be installed (v4.3.9 or more recent). If not pre-installed ( zsh -version to confirm), check the following instruction here:. curl or wget should be installed. git should be installedBasic InstallationOh My Zsh is installed by running one of the following commands in your terminal. You can install this via the command-line with either curl or wget. Via curl sh -c '$(curl -fsSL wget sh -c '$(wget -O -)'Using Oh My Zsh PluginsOh My Zsh comes with a shitload of plugins to take advantage of. You can take a look in the directory and/or the to see what's currently available.

  • Auto-Tune Pro is the most advanced edition of Auto-Tune available. This professional plugin includes both Auto Mode, for real-time pitch correction and effects, and Graph Mode, for detailed pitch and time editing of single notes. Heard on countless hits, Auto-Tune Pro is a must-have for any studio.
  • Before you can use a web browser plug-in that you've installed and trusted, you might need to turn it on in Safari preferences. Safari no longer supports most plug-ins. Contact the vendor for additional information.

Enabling PluginsOnce you spot a plugin (or several) that you'd like to use with Oh My Zsh, you'll need to enable them in the.zshrc file. You'll find the zshrc file in your $HOME directory. Open it with your favorite text editor and you'll see a spot to list all the plugins you want to load. Vi /.zshrcFor example, this might begin to look like this: plugins=(gitbundlerdotenvosxrakerbenvruby)Using PluginsMost plugins (should!

We're working on this) include a README, which documents how to use them. ThemesWe'll admit it. Early in the Oh My Zsh world, we may have gotten a bit too theme happy. We have over one hundred themes now bundled. Most of them have on the wiki. Check them out!

Selecting a ThemeRobby's theme is the default one. It's not the fanciest one. It's not the simplest one.

Added Autojump Plugin Support For Mac

It's just the right one (for him).Once you find a theme that you'd like to use, you will need to edit the /.zshrc file. You'll see an environment variable (all caps) in there that looks like: ZSHTHEME='robbyrussell'To use a different theme, simply change the value to match the name of your desired theme. For example: ZSHTHEME='agnoster' # (this is one of the fancy ones)# see many themes require installing the in order to render properly.Open up a new terminal window and your prompt should look something like this:In case you did not find a suitable theme for your needs, please have a look at the wiki for.If you're feeling feisty, you can let the computer select one randomly for you each time you open a new terminal window. ZSHTHEME='random' # (.please let it be pie. Please be some pie.)And if you want to pick random theme from a list of your favorite themes: ZSHTHEMERANDOMCANDIDATES=('robbyrussell'agnoster')Advanced TopicsIf you're the type that likes to get their hands dirty, these sections might resonate. Advanced InstallationSome users may want to change the default path, or manually install Oh My Zsh. Custom DirectoryThe default location is /.oh-my-zsh (hidden in your home directory)If you'd like to change the install directory with the ZSH environment variable, either by running export ZSH=/your/path before installing, or by setting it before the end of the install pipeline like this: export ZSH='$HOME/.dotfiles/oh-my-zsh'; sh -c '$(curl -fsSL Installation 1.

Clone the repository: git clone git:// /.oh-my-zsh2. Optionally, backup your existing /.zshrc file: cp /.zshrc /.zshrc.orig3. Create a new zsh configuration fileYou can create a new zsh config file by copying the template that we have included for you. Cp /.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template /.zshrc4. Change your default shell chsh -s /bin/zsh5.

Initialize your new zsh configurationOnce you open up a new terminal window, it should load zsh with Oh My Zsh's configuration.

It should, but the Flash Player packaged with Chrome is encapsulated from the other Flash installations on your computer. The nature of the PPAPI architecture is such that there is no way for the PPAPI Flash Player to read from the central settings files that the ActiveX and NPAPI Flash plug-ins share.Long story short, you'll need to add settings specifically for Chrome (and/or each PPAPI-based browser on your machine), and you have to do that through the SWF-based user interface, here:Just for some background, this is one of those things that is ugly and grew organically. We released the native control panel back in 2010 before PPAPI was a thing, with the intention of retiring those web-based control panels. They hung around because of Android Flash Player for a while, and then PPAPI emerged and all of a sudden, we required them again because the Native Control Panel only modifies the central settings files used by browsers with looser sandboxes.

The notion of somehow discovering, registering and syncing config changes between all of the ActiveX, NPAPI and PPAPI instances would be a path fraught with peril, and we really don't want to go down that road. We feel that the likelihood of unexpected or undetermined states in our privacy and security UI is worse than the current fragmentation between browsers.The design decision in Chromium (which we totally agree with) prevents Flash Player from known what directory it's running in on the filesystem, and prevents it from reading or writing outside of it's little jailed filesystem.

This is a good thing for users, but it leads to an unfortunate fragmentation in how the settings are handled. If you're using other Chromium-based browsers, then each Chromium browser maintains its own set of settings, which would need to be made through that SWF-based UI.We're still thinking about ways to clean this up, and we'll be adding some clarification to the Native Control Panel UI shortly, but it's this interesting quagmire that we've found ourselves in as the browser space has evolved in good-but-unexpected directions over the last couple years. That is correct. PPAPI Flash Player doesn't have the ability to see the normal filesystem. It has it's own sandboxed filesystem to play in, but it has no way out of that sandbox to read the centralized config files.To make it even more confusing, if you had both PPAPI Chrome and PPAPI Opera installed,.those. Flash instances would have distinct filesystems as well.Off the top of my head, I'm not sure where you should put the various config files when you're using a PPAPI Flash Player.

I'll have to figure it out and get back to you. Here are the locations of the config files for the PPAPI debugger. Thank you Jeromie, for detailed response.It's a sad story. I remember time, when developer could add 'working directory' to trusted locations and work with the product in very fast paced maner.

Honestly, I never use this feature. It sounds reasonable.According to the docs:The Global Flash Player Trust directoryAdministrative users and installer applications can register specified local SWF files as trusted for all users. These SWF files are assigned to the local-trusted sandbox.

They can interact with any other SWF files, and they can load data from anywhere, remote or local. Files are designated as trusted in the Global Flash Player Trust directory, in the following location:.


Windows: systemMacromedFlashFlashPlayerTrust (for example, C:WINDOWSsystem32MacromedFlashFlashPlayerTrust). Mac: app support/Macromedia/FlashPlayerTrust (for example, /Library/Application Support/Macromedia/FlashPlayerTrust)The Flash Player Trust directory can contain any number of text files, each of which lists trusted paths, with one path per line. Each path can be an individual SWF file, HTML file, or directory. Comment lines begin with the# symbol. For example, a Flash Player trust configuration file containing the following text grants trusted status to all files in the specified directory and all subdirectories: # Trust files in the following directories: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocumentsSampleAppThe paths listed in a trust configuration file should always be local paths or SMB network paths. Any HTTP path in a trust configuration file is ignored; only local files can be trusted.To avoid conflicts, give each trust configuration file a filename corresponding to the installing application, and use a.cfg file extension.As a developer distributing a locally run SWF file through an installer application, you can have the installer application add a configuration file to the Global Flash Player Trust directory, granting full privileges to the file that you are distributing.

The installer application must be run by a user with administrative rights. Unlike the mms.cfg file, the Global Flash Player Trust directory is included for the purpose of installer applications granting trust permissions. Both administrative users and installer applications can designate trusted local applications using the Global Flash Player Trust directory. I'm not totally surprised.

We may not be able to broker all of the requests to the local filesystem necessary to make those features work. The NPAPI and ActiveX debuggers are definitely more robust and well tested at this point. If you're just trying to get work done, that's probably a less frustrating path.Please file bugs on anything that's not working over at. We haven't had a ton of feedback on the PPAPI debugger at this point, so it's definitely appreciated.If you post the bug numbers here, I'll get them assigned. Hey Jerome,The problem is, I don't know weather these are bugs or not as long as I'm unaware of how PPAPI player is handling relative paths. I'll try to sum here old VS new behavior with examples:1. NPAPIPath to mm.cfg (c:Usersmm.cfg), mm.cfg contains a number of directives, path related ones are:PreloadSwf=c:somepathflashfirebug.swfTraceOutputFileName=c:somepathLogsflashlog.txt2.

PPAPIPath to mm.cfg which is undocumented as far as I'm aware (c:UsersAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultPepper DataShockwave FlashSystemmm.cfg)PreloadSwf=flashfirebug.swf (absolute path is not working. If we use a relative path, to which folder will it be relative to? Where do we put flashfirebug.swf?)TraceOutputFileName=abcflashlog.txt (same thing, where would this be located?)Regarding trust folder and paths, I think I had some bug, I'll retry suggested folder and report back. Hello Jeromie,So I managed to get my mm.cfg read from this pathC:UsersAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultPepper DataShockwave FlashSystemmm.cfgI dropped my tracePath directive as it seems to be ignored.

Our PreloadSwf looks like this (I figured this should be the root of the sandbox folder)PreloadSwf=flashfirebug.swfSecurity is indeed read from this path as indicatedC:UsersAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultPepper DataShockwave FlashWritableRoot#SecurityFlashPlayerTrust.cfgMy flashfirebug.swf file is hereC:UsersAppDataLocalGoogleChromeUser DataDefaultPepper DataShockwave Flashflashfirebug.swfMy preloadSwf uses the allComplete handler, which is not firing at all on Debug Flash Player PPAPI, I've filed a bug report here. Google Chrome is dropping support for NPAPI. Its PPAPI pepper plugin is now the default option.This new plugin is what we'll have to live with in the future if we want to continue support for Google Chrome.In my case, I maintain FlashFirebug which is a browser extension for Flash development on Firefox and Chrome, it's now broken on Chrome due to the PPAPI plugin.

Although 95% of our users use FireFox, decisions like dropping a technology tend to go viral very quickly with Opera already on board. Yes, you're correct that the PPAPI Plug-In in Chrome doesn't talk to the native control panel. The NCP reads and writes to the central Flash Player config files, but the Chrome sandbox doesn't allow read/write access to those, so you have to manage everything from within Chrome. This is one of those trade-offs between usability and security, and we'd rather keep you protected from malware to the extent possible and have you use the older UI. It's the same reason that the config files for PPAPI have their own paths.If you've disabled everything but the debugger in chrome://plugins and you're not able to get the debugger loaded, please let me know what OS and Chrome version you're using.

I'll ask someone to take a look.Thanks! Hi Jeroime I have installed the PPAPI 4 times now from the downloads.

Added Autojump Plugin Support For Mac Windows 7

It does not register in chrome on OSX i just see those two in the list, its trying to load the other version for Firefox instead. Chrome silently installed a 64bit version btw. If you are attrempting to replace the inbuilt one/Applications/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Internet Plug-Ins/PepperFlash/PepperFlashPlayer.pluginIt most certainly isn't the debugger I get no error console.
