Phantomjs Download For Mac

Download PhantomJS phantomjs-mac - the binary for a phantom.js rubygem Multiplatform, available on major operating systems: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and other Unices. Join the mailing-list and discuss with other PhantomJS fans. Phantomjs on Mac can be installed using Brew or node npm. It can also be downloaded from phantomjs site.

Source: R/utils.R

Download the zip package, unzip it, and copy the executable to a systemdirectory in which webshot can look for the PhantomJS executable.



The version number of PhantomJS.


The base URL for the location of PhantomJS binaries fordownload. If the default download site is unavailable, you may specify analternative mirror, such as''.


NULL (the executable is written to a system directory).


This function was designed primarily to help Windows users since it iscumbersome to modify the PATH variable. Mac OS X users may installPhantomJS via Homebrew. If you download the package from the PhantomJSwebsite instead, please make sure the executable can be found via thePATH variable.

On Windows, the directory specified by the environment variableAPPDATA is used to store phantomjs.exe. On OS X, the directory~/Library/Application Support is used. On other platforms (such asLinux), the directory ~/bin is used. If these directories are notwritable, the directory PhantomJS under the installation directory ofthe webshot package will be tried. If this directory still fails, youwill have to install PhantomJS by yourself.


commented Sep 19, 2016

Hey man,

that's great, but .zip file was moved to


commented May 5, 2017

Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be complete. Now, when I try phantomjs -v it gives me a Segmentation fault: 11 error. And when I try to run my specs, it says 'The detector # failed to detect theversion of the executable at '/Users/petercormack/root/phantomjs-1.8.2-macosx/bin/phantomjs'

Driver InstallationFirst, download and install the 32-bit SQLite ODBC driver.We have tested with version.994 available from.Since the MAPS applications are 32-bit applications, you must use the 32-bit version of the driver for it to work, even on a 64-bit server.64-Bit InstallationOn 64-bit servers, make sure you are running the 32-bit version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator, typically found at C:WindowsSysWOW64odbcad32.exe. Enter a Data Source Name, click the Browse button, then select the database name ( C:Program FilesEvisionsMAPSServiceMAPSData.sqlite, C:Program FilesEvisionsMAPSServiceMAPSDataWarehouse.sqlite, or C:Program FilesEvisionsMAPSServiceMappletsArgosArgosData.sqlite) for this connection.Data Source NamesYou may enter any name you like for the data source name; however, if you intend to join the MAPS and Argos databases using the technique described in this document, you must enter ArgosSQLite and MAPSSQLite as the data source names for these two databases. Launch the ODBC Data Source Administrator and go to the System DSN tab.Click the Add button, then select the SQLite3 ODBC Driver.After selecting the driver and clicking Finish, the SQLite3 ODBC DSN Configuration dialog appears. Evisions iris. This is because the Microsoft JET database we provide expects these data source names. Creating the Data SourceNext, you need to create a data source.

commented Sep 7, 2017

@Onikoroshi Did you find a fix for your issue? I am having the same one.

commented May 6, 2018

If you have suggested version already installed then you can switch between versions.'-Tricks

commented Sep 5, 2018

FYI the download link no longer exists. The oldest version available for download is now here:

commented Sep 5, 2018

Did anyone ever solve the Segmentation fault error?

commented Jul 23, 2019

I'm facing this error too. Any solution?


commented Jul 23, 2019

@millisami I think the best solution is to evaluate alternatives. PhantomJS is a dead project. NightmareJS is awesome.

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