How To Remove Animation From Powerpoint 2017 For Mac

I was recently asked the questions about how to remove elements from one of our animated PowerPoint templates. Specifically, our subscriber wanted to remove the globe and keep the rest of the animation from this template. But she also wanted to keep the globe animation in other slides.

Select any object on your slide. In Figure 1 you can see that we have selected a SmartArt graphic. Figure 1: SmartArt graphic selected on the slide. Add the first animation to this slide object. We add an Entrance Effect called Swivel to the SmartArt graphic, as you can see in Figure 2.

The animated PowerPoint Template used in this tutorial.
Download animated templates here.

This is a great question, and it gives me an opportunity to better explain how the slide master works.

This tutorial applies to PowerPoint 2010, 2008(mac) and 2007.

The Slide Master Explained

Centrino n 6205 driver. The heart of a PowerPoint template is the Slide Master. To view the slide master – choose View>Slide Master.

It controls all the default layouts and various pre-designed slides that are included in our templates. Each Slide Master can have any number of layout pages beneath it. Think of the Slide Master as the template for the template. You can have multiple Slide Masters, and each Master can have multiple layouts attached to it. It’s powerful but a bit confusing at first.

Take a look at this screen-shot, the slide at the top is the Master, everything beneath and indented is a layout attached to the Master.

The Slide Master and the attached Layouts

Adding and Subtracting Items from the Slide Master

An element or image placed on the Slide Master is copied to any layout page attached to the Master. (There is a way to hide Slide Master graphics on the attached layouts. This is explained at the end.) So in our example, if you remove the globe from the Slide Master, the top slide in the illustration above, it is also removed from all the layout pages of the template.

That’s great if you don’t want the globe to appear anywhere in the template, but the original problem was we wanted the globe animation to appear only on select slides, not get rid of it completely.

There are a couple of things you could do at this point. App broken display screensaver 1.0 10.10.2 for mac free.

1. Cut the animation from the Slide Master and then Paste it into the individual layouts where you want it to appear.

Any element you place on a layout slide, will only appear in your presentation when you choose that layout. This is a fine, but if you start adding elements to the layouts, it can quickly get confusing where the final resting place for that element is. Is that picture on a actual slide, on a layout, or is it on the Slide Master?

2. Duplicate the Slide Master

This is my favorite option. Because you can have multiple Slide Masters in your template, you can duplicate the Slide Master.

Choose ‘Duplicate Slide Master’ from the menu after you right click top of the Slide Master. Now with this new Slide Master, in our example, you can have a complete set of new layouts without the globe animation, and a complete set with the animation.

A second Slide Master is created with the globe animation removed.

Now after exiting the Slide Master view, you have a completely new set of layouts available to you in the normal PowerPoint view.

Your new Slide Master layouts now appear when you select Layouts

Hiding Graphics Used on the Slide Master


You may notice that by deleting the globe from the slide master that the globe still exists on the Title Slide Layout. This is because the Title Slide Layout has its own graphical elements and all the elements from the Slide Master are hidden.

The Title Slide Layout is hiding the graphics from the Slide Master.

If you right click on the layout you wish to edit, you can choose ‘Hide Background Graphics”. This effectively removes all the graphical elements from the Slide Master. In this example a different version of the globe animation has been added directly to the Title Page Layout so the template has another look.

Hide Background Graphics to remove Slide Master graphics from layout pages.

One note of warning, if you hide the background graphics you will need to copy and paste any images or videos you wish to continue to use directly into the layout you are modifying.

In Closing

It can be confusing, but once you have worked with the Slide Master and it’s layouts it gets pretty easy. Just remember when editing our templates, first start editing on the Slide Master. If you cannot remove or change what you want there, then move on to looking at the attached Layout slides. If your still have questions, feel free to contact our customer support.

Good Presenting!

Art Holden

If you find that the entries under 'Animation Schemes' in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 are grayed out, you may need to change a PowerPoint option setting. For instance, if you click on 'Slide Show' and select 'Animation Schemes', but see something like the following situation where the Animation Schemes entries are unavailable, i.e. they are grayed out, then the 'New animation effects' option may be set to 'disabled'.

To re-enable the Animation Schemes effects, within PowerPoint, click on 'Tools', then 'Options' and then make sure that 'New animation effects', under 'Disable new features', is not checked.

If it is checked, once you uncheck it and click on 'OK', then the animation effects should no longer be grayed out.

At Animation Schemes not selectable , I found a suggestion by someone from Microsoft that an aborted security patch installation might cause the problem. A poster to the newsgroup had stated he could no longer access any of the advanced schemes after he cancelled the installation of a security patch half way through the installation. Later completion of the installation of the security patch did not resolve the problem. However, on the system on which I found the problem, there had not been any aborted patch installations since the time that the animation schemes were available nor any Office updates since then and the time the problem occurred on January 31, 2006.


  1. Animation Schemes not selectable
    November 3, 2003